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Woah so many

This seems like too much
This is getting out of hand.
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Hello, this is my first website.

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Corgis are so stinkin' cute.

I want to hold a corgi all the time!!!!!

I love a corgi.

I love them all of the time.

Haikus are hard, right?

I love a corgi.
I love them all of the time.
Haikus are hard, right?

What I love about corgis:

Things I love almost as much as corgis:

  1. Snacks
  2. Video games
  3. Yoga
  4. Teaching!
A land of only corgis where humans can only dream of
Something that would be approved of by corgi populations
An image of a corgi puppy being adorable.

Corgi Table

Corgi Type Cuteness Photo
Puppies 5 stars An image of a corgi puppy.
Corgi Family 5 stars An image of a corgi family.
Corgis in the rain 10000 stars An image of a corgi in the rain.
Sassy corgis 100000000000 stars An image of a corgi being sassy.